Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tag sale flower arrangement

This flower arrangement, made with flowers I had on hand, (dried flowers I had collected over the years, and this goo stuff that you are supposed to heat and then put in a jar and then put dried flowers in) came out pretty nice. It's hard to tell if it's even real or not. And it was not expensive at all. The guy at the tag sale who sold me the goo stuff gave it to me for like 25 cents.
I love a deal!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baking Soda

Baking soda sure is the ingredient of the week.....After learning how to make exceptional deodorant with baking soda (see last post), I read in a Susan Lark e-mail that drinking baking soda (about a half teaspoon in a cup of water), can help alkalinize one's body. I'm learning that many Americans - the ones who drink a lot, eat white flour and drink coffee - are too acidic and what they want to be is more alkaline. Other ways to alkalinize include eating more fruits and vegetables.
So on Saturday night, after reading this earlier in the day, I drank my baking soda drink. I didn't have a real drink at all...Actually, haven't had a drink for months, ever since I started on this detox. I did break down, however, and had a coffee at Borders, about one cup of coffee. I had been doing so good, but coffee still is very alluring to me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

make your own deodorant

I accomplished several goals today when I made my own all natural deodorant.
One, I saved money.
Two, I am saving the environment.
Three, I had a fun creative moment before I got to work.
All I did was put a half cup cornstarch, a half cup of baking soda and some lavender and peppermint oil in a jar. Then, I mixed up the batch. I drizzled some of the powder onto a wet sponge and then applied it! It's more than 10 hours later and it's still working pretty well. I wasn't sure because these natural deodorants aren't always effective. I can't say this is as effective as Secret, but it does the job pretty well!